Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 724
Sampling – Reconstruction Procedure of Gaussian FieldsProcedimiento para el Muestreo y Reconstrucción de Campos Gausianos
(Computación y Sistemas, 2009)
Characterization of semiglobal stability properties for discrete-time models of non-uniformly sampled nonlinear systems
(Elsevier Science, 2018-12)
Discrete-time models of non-uniformly sampled nonlinear systems under zero-order hold relate the next state sample to the current state sample, (constant) input value, and sampling interval. The exact discrete-time model, ...
Identification of continuous-time state-space models from non-uniform fast-sampled data
Self-Interference Cancelation Through Advanced Sampling
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018-04)
Self-interference is the main obstacle to overcome in order to enable a wireless device to simultaneously transmit and receive in overlapped frequency bands. There is much interest to suppress this interference employing ...
Economic design of and R charts under Weibull shock models
This article considers the problem of a continuous production process, whose mean and variance are simultaneously monitored by and R control charts, respectively. The product variable quality characteristic is assumed to ...
Aspectos reproductivos de Astroblepus homodon (Regan, 1914) (Pisces, Siluriformes) en la cuenca del r?o Coello, Tolima
(Ibagu? : Universidad del Tolima, 2006.170 COL CO, 2014)
Content and uniformity of stereotypes and meta-stereotypes of homeless people in Madrid (Spain)
(Wiley, 2017)
This study analyses the content and the uniformity of meta-stereotypes among homelessness
people, and the stereotypes that domiciled people have of homeless people. The research took
place in Madrid (Spain), based on ...
Identification of continuous-time state-space models from non-uniform fast-sampled dataIET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONSIET CONTROL THEORY A