Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 69
Non-reflexive Logical Foundation for Quantum Mechanics
(Springer, 2014-11)
On the one hand, non-reflexive logics are logics in which the principle of identity does not hold in general. On the other hand, quantum mechanics has difficulties regarding the interpretation of ‘particles’ and their ...
Derivability and Metainferential Validity
(Springer, 2021-07-26)
The aim of this article is to study the notion of derivability and its semantic counterpart in the context of non-transitive and non-reflexive substructural logics. For this purpose we focus on the study cases of the logics ...
Newton da Costa on non-reflexive logics and identityNewton da Costa sobre la lógica no-reflexiva y la identidad
(Universidad Nacional de QuilmesUniversidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2019-04-01)
Newton da Costa pioneered first-order systems of so-called non-reflexive logics (NRL). According to those systems of logic, the reflexive law of identity is restricted; it does not apply to every kind of object the system ...
Metainferential Duality
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-09-30)
The aim of this article is to discuss the extent to which certain substructural logics are related through the phenomenon of duality. Roughly speaking, metainferences are inferences between collections of inferences, and ...
Reflex: a graph-based model for declarative business processes
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Ciencia da Computacao, 2016)
REFlex: rule engine for flexible processes
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2015)
Serviços compartilhados e lógicas institucionais: estudo de caso do processo de pagamento de pessoal do Exército Brasileiro na guarnição de Santa Maria
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilAdministração PúblicaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Organizações PúblicasCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2022-11-21)
This study aimed to consider how the dynamics of institutional logics, with a focus on aspects related
to bureaucracy and hierarchy, is affected by the centralization of the payment process of the active
military of the ...
Sentipensar en la incertidumbre desde la reflexividad del maestro a partir de su práctica pedagógica
(Ediciones Universidad Simón BolívarFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, 2022)
El propósito de la presente investigación fue la generación de una teoría sustantiva, emergente de la (incierta) realidad escolar donde interactúa y desarrolla la labor pedagógica el profesional de la educación (práctica ...