Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 58
A Nodal Pricing Approach for Reactive Power in Distribution Networks
(Ieee, 2017-01-01)
Electricity tariffs are traditionally associated with the cost of active power, whereas reactive power prices are neglected. However, the efficiency and power quality of distribution systems increase if reactive power rates ...
A nodal pricing approach for reactive power in distribution networks
Electricity tariffs are traditionally associated with the cost of active power, whereas reactive power prices are neglected. However, the efficiency and power quality of distribution systems increase if reactive power rates ...
Economic operation of power systems
(UR. FING, 2002)
In this work the equations that determine the short term optimal point of operation of a power system are obtained from two different perspectives. The first one, optimizing the system from a global point of view. The ...
Distribution network loss allocations with distributed generation using nodal prices
We propose employing nodal factor pricing, a method associated with allocating losses at EHV transmission levels, for the allocation of loss costs at the distribution level. This method differs from traditional methods of ...
Incorporating a Nodal Reactive Power Pricing Scheme Into the DisCo's Short-Term Operation
(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2019-07-01)
Distribution networks have undergone fundamental changes driven mainly by the rapid penetration of distributed energy resources. The distributed power sources connected to the distribution wires (often through power ...
Planejamento da operação de sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica com geradores distribuídos
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-03-09)
Neste trabalho propõe-se o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional para o planejamento da operação de curto prazo de sistemas de distribuição com geração distribuída (GD) considerando uma abordagem probabilística. ...
Análise de sensibilidade na metodologia nodal para o cálculo da tarifa de uso do sistema de transmissão
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilEngenharia ElétricaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaCentro de Tecnologia, 2018-07-19)
The reform of the 90s resulted in a vast impact on the Brazilian electrical system, mainly due to privatizations that occurred in that decade. The opening in the energy market has de-verticalized the four sectors of the ...
Análise de um modelo de precificação de energia com base nos preços marginais das barras
(Florianópolis, SC, 2018)
Impact of demand response resources on unit commitment and dispatch in a day-ahead electricity market
(Elsevier, 2015-06)
Demand response (DR) has recently become an important resource in both system operation and market operation. The focus of this paper is to investigate and quantify the cost impact of various demand response modelings on ...