Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 675
Nitrite Reduction Enhancement on Semiconducting Electrode Decorated with Copper(II) Aspirinate Complex
The present work seeks to describe a new approach characterized by copper(II) aspirinate complex deposited onto nanotube TiO2 electrodes as mediator of electron transfer during nitrite reduction, aiming at achieving a ...
Improvement of nitrate and nitrite reduction rates prediction
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2008)
(Sociedad Chilena de Química, 2007)
Synthesis of Pd/Al2O3 coating onto a cordierite monolith and its application to nitrite reduction in water
(Elsevier, 2013-01)
The catalytic properties of Pd/Al2O3 coating onto cordierite monolith channels for the nitrite reduction in water were studied. This coating was synthesized producing an alumina layer via washcoat and adding the palladiumspecies ...
Hybrid process for the purification of water contaminated with nitrites: Ion exchange plus catalytic reduction
(Institution of Chemical Engineers, 2017-07)
Water polluted with nitrites represents a big risk to human health. In this work, palladium supported on macroporous anionic exchange resin was used in the catalytic nitrite reduction. This process is compared with the ...
Maternal Flow-Mediated Dilation and Nitrite Concentration During Third Trimester of Pregnancy and Postpartum Period
(Informa HealthcareLondonInglaterra, 2013)
Sodium nitrite prevents both reductions in circulating nitric oxide and hypertension in 7-day lead-treated rats
(Nordic Association for the Publication of BCPT, 2015)
Hypotensive effects of oral sodium nitrite have been reported as alternative sources of nitric oxide (NO) formation in animals and human beings. Reductions in NO bioavailability were observed in lead-induced hypertension. ...
Electrochemical reduction of nitrite at poly-[Ru(5-NO2-phen) 2Cl] tetrapyridylporphyrin glassy carbon modified electrode
This work describes the preparation of modified electrodes with Poly-tetraruthenated porphyrin. Also, a detailed Raman and electrochemical characterization of these surfaces is shown. Glassy carbon electrodes were modified ...