Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 188
A Novel Network-based Continuous-Time Representation for Process Scheduling: Part II. General Framework
(Elsevier, 2009-12)
In the first part of this series of paperswe presented a newnetwork-based continuous-time representation for the short-term scheduling of batch processes, which overcomes numerous shortcomings of existing approaches. In ...
A Novel Network-based Continuous-Time Representation for Process Scheduling: Part I. Mathematical Formulation
(Elsevier, 2009-12)
A novel network-based framework for the short-term scheduling of multi-purpose batch processes is presented. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in five key concepts. First, it is based on a new continuous-time ...
A Novel Network-based Continuous-time Formulation for Process Scheduling
(Elsevier, 2008-05)
We present a novel network-based continuous-time formulation for process scheduling that addresses multiple limitations of existing approaches. Specifically, it handles non-simultaneous transfers of input/output materials ...
Linear Quadratic Networked Control Of Uncertain Polytopic Systems
(Wiley-BlackwellHoboken, 2016)
Linear Quadratic Networked Control Of Uncertain Polytopic Systems
Hybrid Models for the simulation and prediction of chromatographic processes for protein capture
(Elsevier Science, 2021-08)
The biopharmaceutical industries are continuously faced with the pressure to reduce the development costs and accelerate development time scales. The traditional approach of heuristic-based or platform process-based ...
Supporting the classifcation of patients in public hospitals in Chile by designing, deploying and validating a system based on natural language processing
(BMC, 2021)
Background: In Chile, a patient needing a specialty consultation or surgery has to frst be referred by a general practitioner, then placed on a waiting list. The Explicit Health Guarantees (GES in Spanish) ensures, by law, ...