Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3850
Does nest-site cover reduce nest predation for rhinocryptids?
(Association of Field Ornithologists, 2004)
Cover at nesting sites selected by breeding birds can reduce the risk of nest predation. Using artificial nests, we tested whether dense cover reduces nest predation upon understory birds (rhinocryptids) in temperate forest ...
Artificial covering on trap nests improves the colonization of trap-nesting wasps
To evaluate the role that a trap-nest cover might have on sampling methodologies, the abundance of each species of trap-nesting Hymenoptera and the parasitism rate in a Canadian forest were compared between artificially ...
Dense canopy cover over House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) nests increases latency of brood parasitism by Shiny Cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis)
(Csiro Publishing, 2012-02)
Obligate brood parasites must find host nests in which to lay their eggs. The search for a suitable host nest is predicted to be more difficult if the host nest is well-concealed by vegetation (nest-concealment hypothesis) ...
Microhabitat nest cover effect on nest survival of the Red-Crested Cardinal
(Wilson Ornithological Society, 2012-09)
Predation is the primary cause of nest failure of birds and factors affecting predation risk have shaped the evolution of avian life histories. We evaluated the influence of microhabitat vegetation cover on Red-crested ...
Dual function of egg-covering in the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus
Many bird species take recesses during incubation, and while the nests are unattended, the eggs may both be vulnerable to predation and reach suboptimal temperatures for embryo development. Perhaps to avoid these negative ...
Effects of sun exposure and vegetation cover on Woodpecker nest orientation in subtropical forests of South America
(Springer Tokyo, 2019-09-11)
Variations in the orientation behavior of Woodpecker nests can be due to environmental factors such as latitude as well as local climate conditions. In this study, the orientations of dot-fronted Woodpecker nesting cavities ...
Breeding biology and nest site characteristics of the scarlet ibis in southeastern Brazil
The breeding biology of the only Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber colony in southeastern Brazil was studied during the 1996-97 breeding season. The ibises began to visit their colony site by mid-September. Nest building and ...
Breeding biology and nest site characteristics of the scarlet ibis in southeastern Brazil
The breeding biology of the only Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber colony in southeastern Brazil was studied during the 1996-97 breeding season. The ibises began to visit their colony site by mid-September. Nest building and ...
Microscale nest-site selection by the Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) in the pampas of Argentina
(Wilson Ornithological Society, 2017-03)
Habitat modifications have led many bird species to occupy areas with different characteristics, including human-altered landscapes. In this study, we analyzed how land use influences the nest-site selection at the microscale ...