Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 105
Lack of effect of microhabitat charaacteristics on nest predation and brood parasitims in creamy-bellied thruss (Turdus Amaurochalinus)
(Neotropical Ornithological Society, 2013-11)
Nest predation and brood parasitism are key factors affecting nest survival in passerine birds. As a result, birds may select nest sites that minimize the probability of nests being found by predators or by brood parasites. ...
Dense canopy cover over House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) nests increases latency of brood parasitism by Shiny Cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis)
(Csiro Publishing, 2012-02)
Obligate brood parasites must find host nests in which to lay their eggs. The search for a suitable host nest is predicted to be more difficult if the host nest is well-concealed by vegetation (nest-concealment hypothesis) ...
Testing the importance of nest concealment: Does timing matter?
Nest concealment by vegetation is considered an important factor affecting predation rates for many passerines and, therefore, is frequently measured in studies examining nest predation. However, the time when concealment ...
Building multiple nests is associated with reduced breeding performance in a south temperate population of Grass Wrens Cistothorus platensis platensis
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2020-01)
Grass Wrens Cistothorus platensis build two types of non-breeding nest structures: platforms and dummy nests. Platforms are rudimentary accumulations of grasses concealed between vegetation. Dummy and breeding nests are ...
Effects of nest-site characteristics and parental activity on cowbird parasitism and nest predation in Brown-and-yellow MarshbirdsEfectos de las características del sitio de nidificación y actividad parental en el parasitismo de cría por tordos y predación de nidos en Pseudoleistes virescens
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2009-03)
Nest-site selection and nest defense are strategies for reducing the costs of brood parasitism and nest predation, two selective forces that can influence avian nesting success and fitness. During 2001-2002, we analyzed ...
Nesting biology of tapaculos (Rhinocryptidae) in fragmented south-temperate rainforests of Chile
(American Ornithologist Society, 2002)
We studied the effect of forest fragmentation on the nesting biology and reproductive success of three species of tapaculos (Rhinocryptidae) in relation to forest size, edge effects, and disturbance from livestock or logging ...
Patterns of nest orientation in the Golden billed Saltator (Saltator aurantiirostris) in central Argentina
(Neotropical Ornithological Society, 2018-08-17)
In birds, nest location defines the microclimatic conditions for the development of eggs and nestlings. In general, direct solar radiation and wind are the main determinants of bird nest orientation patterns. In this study, ...
Causes and consequences of nest mass and structure variation in the Bay-capped Wren-spinetail Spartonoica maluroides
(Museum & Inst Zoology, 2017-07)
Bay-capped Wren-Spinetail Spartonoica maluroides (Furnariidae) nests very close to the ground in dense clumps of grasses or sedges and builds both open and enclosed nest. We describe a proportion and characteristics of ...
Predators of bird nests in the Atlantic forest of Argentina and Paraguay
(Wilson Ornithological Society, 2016-03)
Predation is the major cause of avian nest failure, and an important source of natural selection on life history traits and reproductive behavior. However, little is known about the identity of nest predators in much of ...
(Red Aves Ecuador & USFQ PRESS, 2018)