Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 351
Lexical blends and neologisms: some concepts and problematizations
(Federal Univ Ceara, 2019-09-01)
The process of neology formation shows how dynamic languages are: as society changes, new words are necessary to describe these changes. Having that in mind, the goal of this paper is to observe the formation of neologisms ...
Semantic aspects of national varieties of Spanish in a dictionary of neologisms, the antenario
(Oxford University Press, 2021-09)
The process of including neologisms in dictionaries has usually been studied in Spanish from the point of view of only one specific kind of dictionary, the general language dictionary, in terms of how the headword list and ...
Identificação de neologismos de economia no jornal Zero Hora
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2013-08-28)
This master dissertation deals with the recognition of neologisms on Zero Hora’s economics texts. This newspaper is the most highlighted mean of communication of the journalistic genre in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, ...
(Assoc Nac Pos-graduacao Pesquisa Letras & Linguistica, 2020-01-01)
This paper aims to study neologism formation processes available on digital media Instagram, in 2017, from the words sabadar, plenissimo, estranhice, carnistas, contatinho, prenada, baile, stalker, stalkeio e meme. We based ...
The active and passive neologisms in Jules Seglas [1892]
(Assoc Univ Pequisa Psicopatologia FundamentalSao Paolo SpBrasil, 2009)
Dictionarization and lexical variation in dictionaries of spanish neologismsDiccionarización y variación léxica en diccionarios de neologismos del español
(Routledge, 2020-12)
Dictionaries of neologisms are quite complex to characterize; furthermore, there is little discussion on this issue in the literature and hardly any theoretical reflection on it. In this paper we claim that the specific ...
“A Bilingual Lexicon/Glossary of Neologisms from written Business English sources for Ecuadorian English Teachers, Translators, and Students”.
(PUCE, 2017)
The basic premise of this dissertation is that English business vocabulary is always changing by the creation of neologisms; therefore, to help all people interested and who work with business English and related topics. ...