Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3218
Discussing the common(s) in Neoliberal Capitalism: From Ontology to Politics
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2018-11)
This article intends to think the relationship between neoliberal capitalism and thecommon(s). First, it ties to define the common both in ontological and political terms,stressing the similarities and differences between ...
The national and international financial capital: Mexico's neoliberal model supportEl capital financiero nacional e internacional: sustento del modelo neoliberal mexicano
(Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, 2012)
Absolute capitalism
(Universidad La Salle México, Facultad de Negocios, 2020-03)
The French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote in 1864 that “the cleverest ruse of the Devil is to persuade you he does not exist!” I will argue here that this is directly applicable to today’s neoliberals, whose devil’s ruse ...
Governamentalidade Neoliberal, Teoria do Capital Humano e Empreendedorismo
(FACED - UFRGS, 2009)
Citizenship in times of capital. A critique from the marxian tradition Ciudadanía en tiempos del Capital. Una crítica desde la tradición marxiana
(Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, 2019)
This article offers an analysis of the notion of liberal-Marshallian citizenship in the light of the impact that neoliberalization processes have. We describe an approach to the hypothesis that neoliberalism does not allow ...