Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7441
Neck lymph node metastases to the posterior triangle APEX: Evaluation of clinical and histopathological risk factors
(John Wiley & Sons IncNew YorkEUA, 2000)
Primary thyroglossal duct carcinoma with lateral neck metastasis in an adolescent girl
(Open Access Text, 2018-02)
Thyroglossal duct cysts are the most common thyroid developmental anomalies accounting for 75% of midline neck tumors in children. Carcinomas arising fromthis remnant are very rare in adults and even scarcer in pediatrics. ...
Face and neck development in vertebrates Desarrollo de cara y cuello en vertebrados
The embryonic development of the facial area, neck, nasal, oral and pharyngeal cavities with glands, involves growth and fusion of multi-dimensional processes. There is involvement of elements from the embryo-derived local ...
Spanish Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire (NBQ) for Neck Pain Patients
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024)
Abdominal compression: A new intraoperative maneuver to detect chyle fistulas during left neck dissections that include level IV
Background Chyle fistulas may occur after left neck dissections that include level IV, due to injury of the thoracic duct or of 1 of its major branches. Despite being unusual, this complication carries substantial postoperative ...
Femoral neck fracture without associated trauma following consolidation of a transtrochanteric fracture is a rare event. The authors report a case of transtrochanteric fracture that was treated with PFN and which presented ...
Determination of ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) serum protein concentrations by refractometry and the biuret method
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of hand-held refractometer in determining serum protein concentrations in ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) as compared with the standard biuret method. The ...
Determination of ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) serum protein concentrations by refractometry and the biuret method
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of hand-held refractometer in determining serum protein concentrations in ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) as compared with the standard biuret method. The ...