Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 845
The index of symmetry of compact naturally reductive spaces
We introduce a geometric invariant that we call the index of symmetry, which measures how far is a Riemannian manifold from being a symmetric space. We compute, in a geometric way, the index of symmetry of compact naturally ...
The index of symmetry of compact naturally reductive spaces
(Springer, 2014-08)
We introduce a geometric invariant that we call the index of symmetry, which measures how far is a Riemannian manifold from being a symmetric space. We compute, in a geometric way, the index of symmetry of compact naturally ...
A note on the uniqueness of the canonical connection of a naturally reductive space
(Springer Wien, 2013-12)
We extend the result in J. Reine Angew. Math. 664, 29-53, to the non-compact case. Namely, we prove that the canonical connection on a simply connected and irreducible naturally reductive space is unique, provided the space ...
The distribution of symmetry of a naturally reductive nilpotent Lie group
(Springer, 2019-06)
We show that the distribution of symmetry of a naturally reductive nilpotent Lie group coincides with the invariant distribution induced by the set of fixed vectors of the isotropy. This extends a known result on compact ...
Wadge hardness in Scott spaces and its effectivization
(Cambridge University Press, 2015-10)
We prove some results on the Wadge order on the space of sets of natural numbers endowed with Scott topology, and more generally, on omega-continuous domains. Using alternating decreasing chains we characterize the property ...
On the Isometry Groups of Invariant Lorentzian Metrics on the Heisenberg Group
(Birkhauser Verlag Ag, 2014-01)
This work concerns the invariant Lorentzian metrics on the Heisenberg Lie group of dimension three H3(R) and the bi-invariant metrics on the solvable Lie groups of dimension four. We start with the indecomposable Lie groups ...
The index of symmetry of three-dimensional Lie groups with a left-invariant metric
(De Gruyter, 2018-10)
We determine the index of symmetry of 3-dimensional unimodular Lie groups with a left-invariant metric. In particular, we prove that every 3-dimensional unimodular Lie group admits a left-invariant metric with positive ...
Interplanetary natural routes via Moon and Lagrangiam points L1 and L2
Swing-by techniques are extensively used in interplanetary missions to minimize fuel consumption and to raise payloads of spaceships. The effectiveness of this type of maneuver has been proven since the beginning of space ...
Interplanetary natural routes via Moon and Lagrangiam points L1 and L2
Swing-by techniques are extensively used in interplanetary missions to minimize fuel consumption and to raise payloads of spaceships. The effectiveness of this type of maneuver has been proven since the beginning of space ...
Undersampling k-space using fast progressive 3D trajectories
(WILEY, 2005)
In 3D MRI, sampling k-space with traditional trajectories can be excessively time-consuming. Fast imaging trajectories are used in an attempt to efficiently cover the k-space and reduce the scan time without significantly ...