Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 68
Sounds of the other side: a look at the John Cage's silent music from Acoustic Ecology, hybridization and musicking
(Univ Federal Goias, 2020-01-01)
From the reflections on Cage's 4'33, we discuss the implications of the use of silence in music, its reverberations regarding to traditional concept of work, of Western classical music, and its potential to coping with the ...
Carta mecanografiada
(Centro de Estudios de Historia de México CARSO, 2013)
Out of the english classroom activities: an appraisal system analysis
(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2017-11)
"This study reports on students and teachers’ perceptions towards out of the classroom activities carried out in english. The activity selected in this research was a play which is presented every year in a technological ...
Musicking na Escola de Música da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte: um estudo sobre desengajamento moral e prática musical de estudantes da graduação em música
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNMúsica Licenciatura, 2021-04-07)
This work has as its theme musicking in public places and the moral disengagement of students from undergraduate courses offered by the Escola de Música do Rio Grande do Norte (EMUFRN). The work derives from research carried ...
Las comunidades de práctica musical como contextos transformativos de las comunicaciones interculturalesComunidades de prática musical como contextos transformativos de comunicações interculturaisCommunities of Musical Practice: Transformative Contexts for Intercultural Communication
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2019)
Understanding transmedia music on youtube through disney storytelling
Transmedia storytelling has been integrated into contemporary society through social media, where influencers have enabled the building of worlds. Within this environment of humaninteraction, fiction and converging social ...