Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 17
Digital electronics for the Pierre Auger Observatory AMIGA muon counters
(Iop Publishing, 2014-04)
The ``Auger Muons and Infill for the Ground Array´´ (AMIGA) project provides direct muon counting capacity to the Pierre Auger Observatory and extends its energy detection range down to 0.3 EeV. It currently consists of ...
A new method for reconstructing the muon lateral distribution with an array of segmented counters
(Elsevier Science, 2015-01)
Although the origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays is still unknown, significant progress has been achieved in last decades with the construction of large arrays that are currently taking data. One of the most important ...
Reconstruction of air shower muon densities using segmented counters with time resolution
(Elsevier Science, 2016-06)
Despite the significant experimental effort made in the last decades, the origin of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays is still largely unknown. Key astrophysical information to identify where these energetic particles come ...
AMIGA at the Pierre Auger Observatory: The interface and control electronics of the first prototype muon counters
(Elsevier Science, 2015-04)
AMIGA is an enhancement of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The main goals of AMIGA are to extend the full efficiency range to low erenergies of the Observatory and to measure the muon content of extensive air showers. ...
AMIGA at the Auger observatory: the telecommunications system
(Iop Publishing, 2013-12)
AMIGA is an extension of the Pierre Auger Observatory that will consist of 85 detector pairs, each one composed of a surface water-Cherenkov detector and a buried muon counter. Each muon counter has an area of 30 square ...
Optoelectrónica con Fotomultiplicadores de Silicio para Detectores de Rayos Cósmicos.
(Escuela de Posgrado - Facultad Regional Buenos Aires, 2018)
Estudio de rayos cósmicos de muy alta energía con AMIGA, una extensión del Observatorio Pierre Auger: detectores de superficie y contadores de muones para estudiar la composición, dirección de arribo y espectro de los rayos cósmicosStudy of ultra high energy cosmic rays with AMIGA, an extension of the Pierre Auger Observatory: surface detectors and muon counter tu study the composition, the arrival direction and spectrum of the cosmic rays
(Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2012)