Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 61
Efectos del financiamiento en el tipo de innovación: un análisis para el caso ecuatoriano.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2019-12-14)
Financing is one of the main constraints to innovation and has been a subject of great debate. The present investigation seeks to identify for the Ecuadorian case under empirical evidence the effect of financing on the ...
Toxicity of fluoroquinolones on the cladoceran Daphnia magna
(Water Environment Federation, 2021-08)
This study evaluates the acute and chronic toxicological effects of six fluoroquinolones on the mortality and growth of Daphnia magna. The NOECs calculated with the multivariate Probit regression model for the chronic study ...
Multivariate analysis to research innovation complementarities
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-10)
It is widely recognized that orthodox economics is obsessed with econometrics tools. However, econometrics techniques have a limited capacity to deal with qualitative variables coming from surveys. This paper presents a ...
Nonparametric Bayesian modeling for multivariate ordinal data
This article proposes a probability model for kappa-dimensional ordinal outcomes, that is, it considers inference for data recorded in kappa-dimensional contingency tables with ordinal factors. The proposed approach is ...
Influência do percentual de sementes esverdeadas de soja no comportamento da longevidade com diferentes ambientes de armazenamento
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-02-25)
Entender período total que uma semente de soja é capaz de manter-se viável, ou seja, a longevidade, e como é o comportamento dessas sementes quando há a influência de sementes verdes é de extrema valia, tanto para bancos ...
Public instruments for business management in chilean wine industry