Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 147
Abstract multiscale-hybrid-mixed methods
(Springer-Verlag Italia Srl, 2015-12)
In an abstract setting, we investigate the basic ideas behind the Multiscale Hybrid Mixed (MHM) method, a Domain Decomposition scheme designed to solve multiscale partial differential equations (PDEs) in parallel. As ...
3D concurrent multiscale model for crack propagation in concrete
A new approach for concurrent multiscale modeling of three-dimensional crack propagation in concrete is proposed. A macroscopic model with homogenized elastic parameters is adopted in the regions where the material behaves ...
An adaptive multiscale hybrid-mixed method for the Oseen equations
(Springer Nature, 2021)
An adaptive multiscale hybrid-mixed method for the Oseen equations
(Springer Nature, 2021)
A concurrent multiscale approach for modeling recycled aggregate concrete
The use of recycled concrete aggregates in new concrete is an alternative that can provide economical and environmental benefits. However, the influence of the inert particles on the mechanical behavior of concrete needs ...
An adaptive concurrent multiscale model for concrete based on coupling finite elements
A new adaptive concurrent multiscale approach for modeling concrete that contemplates two well separated scales (represented by two different meshes) is proposed in this paper. The macroscale stress distribution is used ...
A coupling technique for non-matching finite element meshes
(Elsevier B.V., 2015-06-15)
This paper presents a novel technique for coupling non-matching finite element meshes, based on the use of special finite elements termed coupling finite elements (CFEs), which share nodes with non-matching meshes. The ...
A coupling technique for non-matching finite element meshes
(Elsevier B.V., 2015)
Effective properties of nodular cast-iron: A multi-scale computational approach
(Elsevier Science, 2014-02)
A numerical approach based on a computational constitutive multi-scale model is used in this work to predict the effective Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of a pearlitic nodular cast iron. The Representative Volume ...
Multi-scale analysis of the early damage mechanics of ferritized ductile iron
(Springer, 2017-03-18)
A multi-scale analysis of the linear elastic and the early damage stages of ferritic ductile iron is introduced in this work. The methodology combines numerical and experimental analyses in the macro and micro scales. ...