Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2053
Two-particle correlations in pp collisions at 13 TeV measured with CMS
Results on two-particle angular correlations for charged particles emitted in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV are presented as a function of charged-particle multiplicity and transverse momentum (pT). ...
Multiple particle and cluster emissions from Zr following intermediate energies photo absorption
A new approach based on a N-a cluster photoabsorption model is proposed for the understanding of the puzzling steady increase behavior of the 90Zr (e, α) yield measured at the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) within the ...
Empirical formulation of rapidity density distribution in multiple particle production in a wide energy range from fixed target to LHC
(Iop Publishing LtdBristolInglaterra, 2010)
Multiple Island Chains in Primary Resonances.
(Espoo, 2014-04-14)
We analyse the dynamics of a relativistic particle moving in a uniform magnetic field
and perturbed by a stationary electrostatic wave. We show that a pulsed wave produces an
infinite number of perturbing terms with the ...
Estimation of the Particle Size Distribution of Colloids from Multiangle Dynamic Light Scattering Measurements with Particle Swarm OptimizationEstimación de distribución de tamaños de partículas de coloides a partir de mediciones de luz dinámica a múltiples ángulos con optimización por enjambre de partículas
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2015-04)
In this paper particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms are applied to estimate the particle size distribution (PSD) of a colloidal system from the average PSD diameters, which are measured by multi-angle dynamic light ...
Supersymmetric and Kaluza-Klein particles multiple scattering in the Earth
Neutrino telescopes with cubic kilometer volumes have the potential to discover new particles. Among them are next to lightest supersymmetric (NLSPs) and next to lightest Kaluza-Klein (NLKPs) particles. Two NLSPs or NLKPs ...