Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 82
New alternatives in the design and planning of multiproduct batch plants in a multiperiod scenario
(American Chemical Society, 2007-08)
New alternatives for the simultaneous design and planning of multiproduct batch plants in a multiperiod scenario are presented in this article. This formulation allows the flexible configuration of the plant in every time ...
Multiperiod Optimisation of Irrigated Crops under Different Conditions of Water Availability
We propose a nonlinear optimisation model which maximises profits by resource allocation on a monthly time scale, considering a monthly crop yield model. The proposed model was applied to six management scenarios (two ...
A multiproduct batch plant design model incorporating production planning and scheduling decisions under a multiperiod scenario
(Elsevier, 2015-10-09)
The goal of this work is to propose a multiperiod mixed-integer linear programming model that integrates several decisions about multistage multiproduct batch plants. Usually, plant design was solved without considering ...
Investment planning in energy considering economic and environmental objectives
(Elsevier, 2015-01)
This work proposes a linear disjunctive multiperiod optimization model for planning investments in energy sources considering two objectives, one economical (maximization of the net present value), and the other environmental ...
A branch-and-cluster coordination scheme for selecting prison facility sites under uncertainty
A multi-period stochastic model and an algorithmic approach to location of prison facilities under uncertainty are presented and applied to the Chilean prison system. The problem consists of finding locations and sizes of ...
A multi-period programming model for the production optimization of a polyurethane foaming plant
(Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro, 2016)
This work presents a multi-period production planning model for the simultaneous optimization of the manufacturing process and the stock management of a polyurethane foaming plant. The basic stages of the plant consist of ...
Multiperiod production planning and design of batch plants under uncertainty
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2012-05)
A two-stage stochastic multiperiod LGDP (linear generalized disjunctive programming) model was developed to address the integrated design and production planning of multiproduct batch plants. Both problems are encompassed ...
Multi-period design and planning of closed-loop supply chains with uncertain supply and demand
(Elsevier, 2014-03)
A design and planning approach is proposed for addressing general multi-period, multi-product Closed-Loop Supply Chains (CLSCs), structured as a 10-layer network (5 forward plus 5 reverse flows), with uncertain levels in ...
Modeling and optimization of multi-layer aggregate production planning
(FGV EAESP, 2018)