Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3015
Automatic Multimedia Creation Enriched with Dynamic Conceptual Data
There is a growing gap between the multimedia production and the context centric multimedia services. The main problem is the under-exploitation of the content creation design. The idea is to support dynamic content ...
Design and Development of an Energy Efficient Multimedia Cloud Data Center with Minimal SLA Violation
Multimedia computing (MC) is rising as a nascent computing paradigm to process multimedia applications and provide efficient multimedia cloud services with optimal Quality of Service (QoS) to the multimedia cloud users. ...
Providing Fast Channel Switching in P2P IPTV Systems
(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers IncPiscatawayEUA, 2013)
Journal of Educational Media
(Carfax Publishing, 2001)
Creación de una Plataforma Digital para generar contenidos de investigación periodística: Documentales Multimedia Interactivos
(Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Comunicación Social, 2014)
El periodismo de investigación es considerado un género periodístico el cual es calificado como tedioso, complejo y costoso. En este trabajo le damos un valor sin prejuicios y más amplio al periodismo de investigación al ...
Protest Paradigm in Multimedia: Social Media Sharing of Coverage About the Crime of Ayotzinapa, Mexico
In 2014 protests erupted around the world after 43 college students from Ayotzinapa, Mexico, were kidnapped and massacred. This bilingual, cross-national content analysis explores the relationship between multimedia features ...
Media education perspectives with multimedia resourcesPerspectivas de la educación media con los recursos multimedia
(Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, 2016)