Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 565
Multilayer Perceptron: Architecture Optimization and Training
The multilayer perceptron has a large wide of classification and regression applications in many fields: pattern recognition, voice and classification problems. But the architecture choice has a great impact on the convergence ...
Análise de desempenho da rede neural artificial do tipo multilayer perceptron na era multicore
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaAutomação e Sistemas; Engenharia de Computação; Telecomunicações, 2012-08-07)
Artificial neural networks are usually applied to solve complex problems. In problems
with more complexity, by increasing the number of layers and neurons, it is possible to
achieve greater functional efficiency. Nevertheless, ...
Fractional statistical theory of finite multilayer adsorption
(Elsevier Science, 2016-01)
In the present paper, finite multilayer adsorption is described as a fractional statistics problem, based on Haldane's statistics. In this scheme, the Helmholtz free energy and its derivatives are written in terms of a ...
Optimal design of a Multi-Layer Network :An IP/MPLS over DWDMapplication case
(UR. FI – INCO., 2012)
In this paper we study a network design problem arising from the deployment of an IP/MPLS network over an existing transport infrastructure. The goal is to find a minimum cost installation of links such that traffic demands ...
Array of Multilayer Perceptrons with No-class Resampling Training for Face Recognition
(AEPIA, 2009-12)
A face recognition (FR) problem involves the face detection, representation and classification steps. Once a face is located in an image, it has to be represented through a feature extraction process, for later performing ...
3D semi-analytical solution of hygro-thermo-mechanical multilayered doubly-curved shells
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022-04-01)
In this paper, a three-dimensional bending solution of doubly-curved shells subjected to mechanical, thermal and hygrothermal load is studied. Through-the-thickness temperature of the shell is modeled by Fourier's heat ...
Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network for Internet Traffic Classification
Recently, the efficient internet traffic classification has gained attention in order to improve service quality in IP networks. But the problem with the existing solutions is to handle the imbalanced dataset which has ...
Optimal Design of Multilayer Fog Collectors.
The growing concerns over desertification have spurred research into technologies aimed at acquiring water from nontraditional sources such as dew, fog, and water vapor. Some of the most promising developments have focused ...
Spin wave modes of multilayered ferromagnetic films
(American Physical Society, 2019)
© 2019 American Physical Society.A study of ferromagnetic spin wave modes in multilayered films under general conditions is presented within a micromagnetic approximation. These modes, either in the magnetostatic or ...