Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 358
1.4 screening experimental designs for quantitative trait loci, association mapping, genotype-by environment interaction, and other investigations
(Frontiershttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3365830/, 2013)
Estimation of genetic parameters for height using spatial analysis in Tsuga heterophylla full-sibling family trials in British Columbia
(De Gruyter, 2015-01)
Non-spatial and spatial analyses were carried out to study the effects on genetic parameters in ten-year height growth data across two series of 10 large second-generation full-sib progeny trials of western hemlock [Tsuga ...
Relationships between methods of variety adaptability and stability in sugarcane
(Genetics and Molecular Research, 2017)
Multi-trait genomic-enabled prediction enhances accuracy in multi-year wheat breeding trials
(Genetics Society of America, 2021)