Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 731
Leptin and mTOR: Partners in metabolism and inflammation
(Taylor & Francis, 2019)
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide induces glucose and neutral amino acid uptake through mTOR signalling in human cytotrophoblast cells
(Nature, 2019-11)
The transport of nutrients across the placenta involves trophoblast cell specific transporters modulated through the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). The vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) has embryotrophic effects ...
Bases metabólicas do crescimento muscular
The skeletal-muscle is the largest tissue in the body with the major roles in kinetics and metabolic process. Myogenesis is the consequence of of myogenic over myostatic factors. The hypertrophic growth occurs in myofibrillar ...
La estomatitis asociada al inhibidor de mTOR podría proporcionar un modelo experimental para las aftas
(Universidad de Talca (Chile). Escuela de Odontología., 2021)
Multifarious roles of mTOR signaling in cognitive aging and cerebrovascular dysfunction of Alzheimer's disease
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2020)
Disrupción homeostática endotelial inducida por los anticuerpos antifosfolípidos : cambios en el potencial mitocondrial, activación de autofagia y mTOR como mecanismos reguladoresEndothelial Homeostatic Disruption Induced by the Antiphospholipid Antibodies : Changes in the Mitochondrial Potential, Activation of Autophagy and mTOR As Regulatory Mechanisms
(Grupo ReproducciónMedellín,Colombia, 2020)
Avaliação da expressão gênica e protéica da via mTOR/4EBP1/eIF4E nos carcinomas prostáticos caninos
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-03-26)
O câncer é uma doença complexa que precisa de um microambiente favorável para seu crescimento e progressão. Esse microambiente tumoral esta constituido por células neoplásicas, vasos sanguíneos, células imunes, fibroblastos ...