Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13
Species-specific effects of moonlight on insectivorous bat activity in central Chile
(Oxford, 2020)
Moonlight intensity influences the activity patterns of bats. Some bat species reduce their activity levels during brighter nights, a phenomenon known as "lunar phobia." While lunar phobia of bats has been extensively ...
Lunar phobia in the greater fishing bat Noctilio leporinus (Chiroptera: Noctilionidae)
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2006)
Effects of moonlight on the capturability of frugivorous phyllostomid bats (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) at different time scales
(Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia, 2013)
Moonlight and blood-feeding behaviour of Lutzomyia intermedia and Lutzomyia whitmani (Diptera:Psychodidae:Phlebotominae), vectors of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil
(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2019)
Are tropical reptiles really declining? A six-year survey of snakes in a tropical coastal rainforest: role of prey and environment
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2020)
Variación temporal en los patrones de actividad de murciélagos insectívoros en un paisaje agrícola de Chile central y su relación con las fases del ciclo lunar
(Universidad de Chile, 2019)
The activity patterns of bats are determined by various environmental factors, including
the intensity of moonlight. In this regard, some species reduce their levels of activity
during brighter nights, a phenomenon known ...
Are tropical reptiles really declining? A six-year survey of snakes in a tropical coastal rainforest: role of prey and environment
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2020-02-03)
Introduction: Even though snake declines seem to be a reality in many parts of the world, some reports are based on anecdotal evidence and there is a need of prolonged and intensive studies, especially in ...
Are tropical reptiles really declining? A six-year survey of snakes in a tropical coastal rainforest: role of prey and environment¿Están desapareciendo los reptiles tropicales? Seis años de monitoreo de las serpientes en un bosque tropical costero: el papel de las presas y el ambiente
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2020)