Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 102
H2 production through aqueous phase reforming of ethanol over molybdenum carbide catalysts supported on zirconium oxide
(Wiley, 2024)
Molybdenum carbide catalysts supported on monoclinic and tetragonal zirconium oxide were studied for hydrogen production through aqueous phase reforming of ethanol. Catalysts were characterized by N2 physisorption, XRD, ...
H2 production through aqueous phase reforming of ethanol over molybdenum carbide catalysts supported on zirconium oxide
Molybdenum carbide catalysts supported on monoclinic and tetragonal zirconium oxide were studied for hydrogen production through aqueous phase reforming of ethanol. Catalysts were characterized by N2 physisorption, XRD, ...
Preparation and characterization of Mo/W bimetallic carbides by using different synthesis methods
(SPRINGER, 2008)
Molybdenum and tungsten bimetallic oxides were synthetized according to the following methods: Pechini, coprecipitation and solid state reaction (SSR). After the characterization, those solids were carbureted at programmed ...
The adsorption of CO on potassium doped molybdenum carbide surface: An ab-initio study
(Elsevier Science, 2012-02)
We have studied the effect of K on the adsorption of CO on the β-Mo 2C (0 0 1) surface with a periodic supercell method using Density Functional Theory calculations, with the PBE functional the generalized gradient ...
On the synthesis of molybdenum carbide with cobalt addition via gas-solid reactions in a CH4/H2 atmosphere
(Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering, 2016)
Carbeto de molibdênio dopado com níquel nanoestruturado para aplicação na degradação de corantes reativos
(Cerâmica, 2020-10-30)
Carbide-type ceramic materials such as nickel-doped molybdenum carbide have promising photocatalytic degradation activity. The addition of nickel to the molybdenum carbide aims to increase its reaction yield and also its ...
Molybdenum/tungsten-carbide and nickelphosphide as emerging catalysts for deoxygenation reactionsCarbetos de molibdênio/tungstênio e fosfeto de níquel como catalisadores emergentes para reações de desoxigenação
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilInstituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de EngenhariaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia QuímicaUFRJ, 2021)