Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 884
Potestas alienandi, Transfer of ownership by a non-owner from Roman law to the DCFR
(Wolf Legal Publishers, 2016)
The transfer of ownership by an authorized non-owner is a common situation in everyday commercial practice. However, the dogmatic framework surrounding it has often led to controversy when studying both Roman and modern ...
Sargento Getúlio und der moderne Roman: Überlegungen zu Aspekten der RealitätsdarstellungSargento Getúlio and the modern novel: reflections on aspects of reality representationSargento Getúlio y la novela moderna: reflexiones sobre aspectos de la representación de la realidadSargento Getúlio e o romance moderno: reflexões sobre os aspectos de representação da realidade
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2010)
Thématique récurrente dans trois romans du Cycle du Barrage de Marguerite DurasThématique récurrente dans trois romans du Cycle du Barrage de Marguerite DurasThématique récurrente dans trois romans du Cycle du Barrage de Marguerite Duras
(Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2013)
Convergences and Conflicts between the Ancient and the Modern in three Baudelaire's Poems
(Univ Estadual Paulista, Fundacao Editora Unesp, 2019-01-01)
This article aims to explore convergences and conflicts between elements belonging to the ancient (Greco-Roman and Christian) and modern cultures in Baudelaire's poetry, as well as demonstrating how this dialogue works as ...
Primitive prohibition of direct representation in Roman law scholarship : origins, sources and flaws
Roman law scholars since the nineteenth century have claimed that Roman law
originally banned any form of direct representation, and that only through juristic
innovations was this general prohibition of the ius civile ...