Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 929
Introduction to modern climate change
Climate change is the variability of the climate system that includes the atmosphere, the biogeochemical cycles
(Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle and Hydrological cycle), the land surface, ice and the biotic and abiotic ...
Risks and political responses to climate change in Brazilian coastal cities
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LtdAbingdonInglaterra, 2014)
Ancient vs. Modern Oceans: Perspectives in a Climate Change Scenario
(CRC Press, 2017)
The Ocean has historically been recognized as an essential regulator of climate within Earth planet, taking significant roles in different processes like generation of wind fields and storms, changes in biogeochemical ...
Report of the expert group meeting on the enhancement of resilience to disasters and climate change in the Caribbean through the modernization of the energy sector
(ECLAC, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, 2019-02-05)
Peru's ancient water systems can help protect communities from shortages caused by climate change
(The Conversation Media Group, 2019-08-26)
Water is essential for human life, but in many parts of the world water supplies are under threat from more extreme, less predictable weather conditions due to climate change. Nowhere is this clearer than in the Peruvian ...
Microrefugia, climate change, and conservation of Cedrus atlantica in the Rif Mountains, Morocco
(Frontiers Media, 2017)
This study reconstructs and interprets the changing range of Atlas cedar in northern Morocco over the last 9,000 years. A synthesis of fossil pollen records indicated that Atlas cedars occupied a wider range at lower ...
Bibliometric review of studies on sustainable tourism and climate change in 2019
(Facultad de Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras, 2022-06-29)
Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar publicaciones académicas sobre turismo sostenible y cambio climático en 2019. Debido al calentamiento global, el clima cambia día a día; los cambios climáticos afectan al turismo ...
Modern drought conditions in western Sahel unprecedented in the past 1600 years
(Springer, 2019)
As climate model uncertainties remain very large for future rainfall in the Sahel, a multi-centennial perspective is required to assess the situation of current Sahel climate in the context of global warming. We present ...