Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 249
Retrieving Total Suspended Matter in Tropical Reservoirs Within a Cascade System with Widely Differing Optical Properties
Total suspended matter (TSM) is an important indicator of water quality and has an adverse effect on light propagation in the water affecting the primary production. Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) ...
Application of a Combined Optical-Passive Microwave Method to Retrieve Soil Moisture at Regional Scale Over Chile
(IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers, 2016)
This work presents the calibration and evaluation of an optical-passive microwave method for retrieving soil moisture (SM) at regional scale using remote sensing and reanalysis data. Several data sets were used, such as ...
MODIS NDVI time-series allow the monitoring of Eucalyptus plantation biomass
The use of remote sensing is necessary for monitoring forest carbon stocks at large scales. Optical remote sensing, although not the most suitable technique for the direct estimation of stand biomass, offers the advantage ...
La teleobservación como herramienta para la generación de mapas de riesgo de incendio y monitoreo de zonas incendiadas
(Universidad Nacional de Luján, 2006)
Según el reciente informe de la FAO sobre la evolución de los bosques en el mundo durante el período 2000-2005, Latinoamérica fue la región del Planeta con una mayor tasa anual de deforestación (en torno a 4.884.000 ha ...
Simple Air Temperature Estimation Method from MODIS Satellite Images on a Regional Scale
(Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA, 2010)