Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 74
New correlations for prediction of high-pressure phase equilibria of n-alkane mixtures with the RKPR EoS: Back from the use of l ij (Repulsive) interaction parameters
(American Chemical Society, 2019-02)
After detecting some inadequate predictions of volumetric properties and solid-liquid equilibria with the RKPR Equation of State coupled to previously correlated parameters (Cismondi Duarte, M.; et al. Fluid Phase Equilib. ...
Density, viscosity, excess molar volume and viscosity deviation for [chloroform (1) + methanol (3)] binary system and [chloroform (1) + di-isopropylether (2) + methanol (3)] ternary system at 298.15 K
(Elsevier B.V., 2017-03)
Densities ρ and viscosity η of the [chloroform (1) + methanol(3)] binary system and [chloroform (1) + di-isopropyaelther (DIPE) (2) + methanol (3)] ternary system have been measured at 298.15 K and a pressure of 960 hPa ...
Development of a mathematical model for studying bioethanol-water separation using hydrophilic polyetherimide membrane
(John Wiley & Sons IncHobokenEUA, 2008)
Glass Transition Temperature of Saccharide Aqueous Solutions Estimated with the Free Volume/Percolation Model
(American Chemical Society, 2016-05)
The glass transition temperature of trehalose, sucrose, glucose, and fructose aqueous solutions has been predicted as a function of the water content by using the free volume/percolation model (FVPM). This model only ...
Density, viscosity, excess molar volume and viscosity deviation for [chloroform (1) + di-isopropyl- ether(2) + 1-propanol (3)] ternary system at 298.15 K
(Elsevier, 2018-12)
Densities ρ and viscosity η of the [chloroform (1) + di-isopropyl ether (DIPE) (2) + 1-propanol (3)] ternary system have been measured at 298.15 K and pressure of 960 hPa using an Anton Paar DMA 500 stavigmeter. Excess ...