Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 82
Processes in Doping System: Quantification Reports in Mixed Martial Arts Fighters
(MDPIGB, 2022-12-18)
Mixed martial arts (MMA) has always been surrounded by controversy due to the unusual muscle development of its participants, so it is crucial to know the strategies that have been implemented to reduce doping cases. The ...
Team Nogueira: invasão do Mixed Martial Arts no universo fitnessTeam Nogueira: Invasion of Mixed Martial Arts in the fitness universe
(Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em AdministraçãoBrasilInstituto COPPEAD de AdministraçãoANPAD, 2019)
Mulheres atletas e artes marciais mistas: uma revisão sistemática qualitativa
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020)
Equilíbrio postural em atletas de mixed martial arts submetidos a golpes subconcussivos.
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNFISIOTERAPIA, 2019-12-04)
A review of time-motion analysis and combat development in mixed martial arts matches at regional level tournaments
Mixed martial arts (MMA) have become a fast-growing worldwide expansion of martial arts competition, requiring high level of skill, physical conditioning, and strategy, and involving a synthesis of combat while standing ...
Effect of the covid-19 quarantine on body mass among combat sports athletes
(ARAN Ediciones S.A., 2020-12)
Introduction: to combat the COVID-19 pandemic governments have adopted measures such as quarantine and social distancing. Objective: the main objective of the present study was to analyze the impact of COVID-19 quarantine ...