Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8243
The Public Domain as the Objective Presupposition for the Imposition of Taxes and Other Burdens on Mining Activity
(Universidad de Talca, 2020-12)
In the area of special regimes applied to the exploitation of mineral resources at the international level, it is common to use the terms “canon”, “regalia” and “royalty”, which, mixed with obligations of a tax and nontax ...
Obtenção de padrões sequenciais em data streams atendendo requisitos do Big Data
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCCCâmpus São Carlos, 2016-06-06)
The growing amount of data produced daily, by both businesses and individuals in the web, increased the demand for analysis and extraction of knowledge of this data. While the last two decades the solution was to store and ...
Radionuclides (222Rn, 226Ra, 234U, and 238U) Release in Natural Waters Affected by Coal Mining Activities in Southern Brazil
Water quality was evaluated in a coal mining area in the city of Figueira, Paraná State, Brazil, where uranium was associated with the coal deposit. Upstream the mine, groundwaters were more acid and some elements and ...
Bacterial communities in mining soils and surrounding areas under regeneration process in a former ore mine
Human activities on the Earth's surface change the landscape of natural ecosystems. Mining practices are one of the most severe human activities, drastically altering the chemical, physical and biological properties of the ...
Seismic parameters of mining induced aftershock sequences for re-entry protocol development
(Springer, 2018)
A common characteristic of deep mines in hard rock is induced seismicity. This results from stress changes and rock failure around mining excavations. Following large seismic events, there is an increase in the levels of ...
Environmental study of gold mining tailings in the Ponce Enriquez mining area (Ecuador)
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellín). Facultad de Minas., 2016-01-01)
As a result of the artisanal mining activities in Ecuador (specially in Ponce Enriquez mining area, province of Azuay), great quantities of mining wastes have been disposed, usually without adequate management standards. ...
Environmental services associated with the reclamation of areas degraded by mining: Potential for payments for environmental services
This paper discusses the potential of associating environmental services (ES) with techniques for reclaiming degraded areas (RDA) used in the mining sector, considering the current trends in payments for environmental ...
Seismic Parameters of Mining-Induced Aftershock Sequences for Re-entry Protocol Development
(Birkhauser Verlag AG, 2018)
A common characteristic of deep mines in hard rock
is induced seismicity. This results from stress changes and rock
failure around mining excavations. Following large seismic events,
there is an increase in the levels ...
The structure of bird communities in areas revegetated after mining in southern Brazil
Mined areas undergo physical changes and profound alterations in the structure and composition of the vegetation. Hence, the fauna cannot return to these areas without human intervention, usually through revegetation. In ...
The structure of bird communities in areas revegetated after mining in southern Brazil
(Soc Brasileira Ornitologia, 2013-12-01)
Mined areas undergo physical changes and profound alterations in the structure and composition of the vegetation. Hence, the fauna cannot return to these areas without human intervention, usually through revegetation. In ...