Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 448
Domestic military missions in Latin America: Civil-military relations and the perpetuation of democratic deficits
Latin American militaries are today in many regards inoperative and obsolete as an instrument of defence. Yet, they seek to maintain their organisational power and privileges. Governments, on the other hand, lack the ...
Operational experiences, military role conceptions, and their influence on civil-military relations
A considerable amount of research within security studies has explored the military's increasingly diverse and multifaceted tasks. However, this debate has been disconnected from the literature on civil-military relations ...
The Art of Negotiation
(Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas, 2013)
The Art of Negotiation
(Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas, 2013)
Telemetry and Video Surveillance System in a UAV for the Control and Monitoring of Long-Distance Missions
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are multidisciplinary technological tools, which are used in the military area for surveillance, reconnaissance and intelligence tasks in conflict zones. Due to its versatility and performance, ...
Missões militares no exterior: a experiência de quem fica
Esta dissertação objetiva abordar e contribuir com o projeto social “Minha Missão”, que é desenvolvido pela Assistência Social na Marinha do Brasil e atua no apoio de familiares e militares durante o período de afastamento ...
Evaluation methodology for mission-centric cyber situational awareness capabilities
The emerging need for cyber defence capabilities able to bring closer cyberspace supremacy in joint military operations has led defence practitioners to begin a cyber race where academy, researchers, industry and military ...
Law Enforcement Activities in Peacekeeping and Multinational Military Operations: The Cases of Haiti and Afghanistan
The chapter is devoted to the legal difficulties military missions face when fighting crime in times of armed conflict. Organized crime is a destabilizing factor that often interlinks with and is particularly prevalent in ...