Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 124
Does language homophily affect migrant consumers’ service usage intentions?
(Emerald, 2018)
Purpose This paper investigates how language homophily between service providers and migrant consumers affects migrant consumers' intentions to engage with financial and medical service providers.
Design/methodology/approach ...
Association between acculturation surrogates and alcohol consumption in rural-to-urban migrants: The PERU MIGRANT study
(Elsevier, 2021)
INTRODUCTION: There is a paucity of information about the association between acculturation and alcohol consumption in rural-to-urban migrants who move to urban environments usually characterized by a higher prevalence ...
The Study of Minorities as an Audience. The Case of Migrant PopulationEl estudio de las minorías como audiencia. El caso de la población migranteO estudo das minorias como audiência. O caso da população migrante
(Universidad del Rosario / Universidad de Los Andes / Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2017)
After noting the lack of attention paid to minorities in audience studies, the authors present the theoretical and methodological bases on which a line of research to reverse this trend can be built. The essay is divided ...
Urbanicity and nutrition: evidence from rural–urban migrants in China
(Emerald Group Publishing, 2021)
Chicha music as an advertising resource to arouse emotions in the consumer
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-01-01)
This study aims to analyze the emotions aroused by tropical Andean music—popularly known as chicha—present in the advertising of a well-known beverage brand in university students. The power music exerts in advertising is ...
La demanda de la población migrante de la Amazonía en Lima Metropolitana por los ajíes provenientes de la selva
(Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, 2018)
Los ajíes nativos de la amazonia que actualmente se comercializan en la zona de la amazonia son el ají charapita (Capsicum Frutescens), el ají ayuyo (C. Baccatum), el ají pucunucho (C.Baccatum), el ají challuaruro (C. ...
Migrantes, gente sin espacios y depósitos humanos en yurecuaro, Michoacán
Las etapas de vida por las que transita el migrante jornalero agrícola, conforman un ciclo
relativamente corto y acelerado. Su temprana incorporación a las labores agrícolas y a la
dinámica trashumante lo prepara física ...
Para onde vais?: as metamorfoses da migração laboral: do homem primitivo ao sujeito de direitos.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2018-04-03)
What makes the migrant a migrant worker? The first object of this work is to understand, with
the resources of the methodologies of historical and bibliographical research, the trajectory
that made the primitive migrant ...