Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 319
The Hajj and Europe in the Age of Empire
The present volume focuses on the political perceptions of the Hajj, its global religious appeal to Muslims, and the European struggle for influence and supremacy in the Muslim world in the age of pre-colonial and colonial ...
Historia del Diseño de Interiores 1 - Edad Media: Oriente - Bizancio (330-1453) - Nº4
(Universidad de Belgrano - Fascículos - Carrera de Diseño de Interiores, 2014-09-02)
• BIZANCIO (330-1453 d.J.C.)
Bizancio forma un puente entre la Roma Imperial y el Medioevo.
En el 330 d.J.C., Constantino trasladó la capital del Imperio Romano a Bizancio,
cambiándole el nombre, a la ciudad, por ...
Roma y Moscú 1988-2004
Roma y Moscú 1988-2004
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, División de Historia, 2016)
Memoria cultural en el Egipto Faraónico. Algunas reflexiones sobre su origen, función y pervivencia histórica
Los estudios de J. Assmann sobre las características que tiene la memoria cultural en las primeras civilizaciones han originado diferentes debates además de haber abierto nuevas líneas de investigación. En este trabajo ...
Early Middle Ordovician evidence for land plants in Argentina (eastern Gondwana)
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2010-10)
The advent of embryophytes (land plants) is among the most important evolutionary breakthroughs in Earth history. It irreversibly changed climates and biogeochemical processes on a global scale; it allowed all eukaryotic ...
Modelling climate and societal resilience in the eastern mediterranean in the last millennium
(Springer, 2018-06)
This article analyses high-quality hydroclimate proxy records and spatial reconstructions from the Central and Eastern Mediterranean and compares them with two Earth System Model simulations (CCSM4, MPI-ESM-P) for the ...
Spatial dynamics of female snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) in the Eastern Bering Sea
(National Research Council Canada-NRC Research Press, 2005-02)
Snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) migrations in the eastern Bering Sea have long been ignored. Based onpreliminary information, we hypothesized that females undergo an extensive ontogenetic migration, tracking downenvironmental ...
Late Oligocene–Miocene transgressions along the equatorial and eastern margins of Brazil
(Earth-Science ReviewsBrasil, 2013)
The seaboard of Brazil is a highly favorable setting for studying episodes of worldwide sea-level rise because of its passive nature. Previous studies of the equatorial coast of Brazil have led to the recognition of extensive ...