Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 121
Effects of three restorative techniques in the bond strength and nanoleakage at gingival wall of Class II restorations subjected to simulated aging
Objective: To evaluate the effects of simulated aging in bond strength and nanoleakage of class II restorations using three different restorative techniques. Materials and methods: Class II preparations (n = 12) were ...
Effects of three restorative techniques in the bond strength and nanoleakage at gingival wall of Class II restorations subjected to simulated aging
Objective: To evaluate the effects of simulated aging in bond strength and nanoleakage of class II restorations using three different restorative techniques. Materials and methods: Class II preparations (n = 12) were ...
Influence of photo-curing distance on bond strength and nanoleakage of self-etching adhesive bonds to enamel and dentin
(Informa HealthcareLondonInglaterra, 2014)
Five-year Effects of Chlorhexidine on the In Vitro Durability of Resin/Dentin Interfaces
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of an acid containing 2% chlorhexidine (Ac/CHX) or a 2% CHX aqueous solution (Aq/CHX) on the immediate and 5-year bonding properties of resin/dentin interfaces produced by two adhesives. The ...
Effect of resin hydrophilicity and water storage on resin strength
(Elsevier Sci LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2004)
Bond Strength and Interfacial Ultramorphology of Current Adhesive Systems
(Taylor & Francis LtdAbingdonInglaterra, 2011)
Effects of adhesive temperature on the early and 6-month dentin bonding
Objectives: The aim of this study was to test the effect of adhesive temperature on the bond strength to dentin (mu TBS) and silver nitrate uptake (SNU) of an ethanol/water (Adper Single Bond 2 [SB]) and an acetone-based ...