Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 156
Strip Center en el distrito de La Esperanza
(Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO, 2019)
El proyecto arquitectónico “Strip Center en el Distrito de La Esperanza”, consiste en el estudio en la problemática del desaprovechamiento de las potencialidades comerciales del distrito de la Esperanza, ya que en la ...
Irradiação de micro-ondas e air stripping em sistema contínuo para remoção de amônia de água residuária
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáLondrinaBrasilEngenharia AmbientalUTFPR, 2015-11-16)
In this final project, it was investigated the removal of N-ammonia by combining microwave and air stripping in a continuous system. It was evaluated the influence of the initial pH (9 to 12), the liquid’s flow (60 to 100 ...
New contributions to the determination of resonance frequencies of rectangular microstrip antennas by neural networks
This paper uses artificial neural networks (ANN) to compute the resonance frequencies of rectangular microstrip antennas (MSA), used in mobile communications. Perceptron Multi-layers (PML) networks were used, with the ...
New contributions to the determination of resonance frequencies of rectangular microstrip antennas by neural networks
This paper uses artificial neural networks (ANN) to compute the resonance frequencies of rectangular microstrip antennas (MSA), used in mobile communications. Perceptron Multi-layers (PML) networks were used, with the ...
Recuperação de amônia por irradiação de micro-ondas e air stripping em água residuária de curtume
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáLondrinaBrasilPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia AmbientalUTFPR, 2015-10-22)
Nitrogenous compounds from liquid effluents from tannery have a high pollution potential and are generated mainly in the leather deliming process. While maintaining complex wastewater treatment systems, there may be ...
Interferômetros coplanares de micro-ondas para aplicação em sistemas de detecção instantânea
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2014)