Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 38
Commercial orchids
Orchids comprise the largest family of flowering plants with 25,000 to 35,000
species belonging to 600-800 genera and cover 10% of the flowering plants. They
are prized for their incredible diversity in size, shape and ...
The important role that the Botanical Garden of the National Autonomous University of Mexico plays in the conservation of mexican orchidsThe important role that the Botanical Garden of the National Autonomous University of Mexico plays in the conservation of mexican orchids
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2015)
Distribution of Mexican orchids
(Zamorano: Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, 2015, 2015)
Orchids of the cloud forests of southwestern Colombia and opportunities for their conservation
(Springer Science+Business Media, 2012-06)
Between Colombia and Ecuador, the two richest countries in the world in orchids, 9,000 species are found or thirty percent of all knownspecies. However, in both countries the number of orchid species threatened with ...