Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 202
Validation of predictive equations for weight and height using body circumferences in Mexican elderlys Validación de ecuaciones de estimación de peso y talla con circunferencias corporales en adultos mayores Mexicanos
(Grupo Aula Medica S.A., 2015)
© 2015, Grupo Aula Medica S.A. All rights reserved. Introduction: weight and height measurements are important data for the nutritional assessment of elderly people and the implementation of the nutritional care process. ...
Edentulism risk indicators among Mexican elders 60-year-old and older
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of edentulism in Mexican elders aged 60 years and older, and the associated risk indicators. A cross-sectional study was undertaken in 139 elders living in either ...
Determination of body composition using air displacement plethysmography, anthropometry and bio-electrical impedance in rural elderly Mexican men and women
Background and aims: Air displacement plethysmography with the BOD-POD is a new densitometry technique, and has been found to be an accurate method to measure body composition. The aim of this study was to assess body ...
Factorial composition from the Beck depression inventory in mexican eldersComposición factorial del inventario de depresión de Beck en ancianos mexicanos
(Universidad de Guadalajara y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2009)
Evocation of memories through Mexican gold cinemaEvocación de memorias a través del cine de oro mexicano
(Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad, 2017)
Relationship between lower-limb muscle strength and frailty among elderly people
(Associacao Paulista MedicinaSao PauloBrazil, 2012)
Composición factorial del inventario de depresión de Beck en ancianos mexicanosFactorial composition from the Beck depression inventory in mexican elders
(Asociación Mexicana de Comportamiento y Salud, A. C., 2009)