Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7598
Methodological choices for research in Information Science: Contributions to domain analysis
(Pontificia Universidade Catolica Campinas, 2016-01-01)
The article focuses on the ways of organizing studies according to their methodological choices in the Base Referencial de Artigos de Periodicos em Ciencia da Informacao (Reference Database of Journal articles in Information ...
Methodological Choices For Research In Information Science: Contributions To Domain Analysis
(Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas, 2016)
Uses and limitations of Rational ChoiceUsos y limitaciones de la Elección Racional
(Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2017)
Voucher system and school effectiveness: Reassessing school performance difference and parental choice decision-making
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2012-12)
This paper discusses the potential contribution of employing school effectiveness
methodological approach within the ongoing research debate on school choice
issues. Using the first approach, we estimate the effectiveness ...
Voucher system and school effectiveness: Reassessing school performance difference and parental choice decision-making
This paper discusses the potential contribution of employing school effectiveness methodological approach within the ongoing research debate on school choice issues. Using the first approach, we estimate the effectiveness ...
Methodological challenges in modelling the choice of mode for a new travel alternative using binary stated choice data - the case of high speed rail in Norway
Binary stated choices between traveller s current travel mode and a not-yet-existing mode might be used to build a forecasting model with all (current and future) travel alternatives. One challenge with this approach is ...
Evaluating marginal improvements to a transport network: An application to the Santiago underground
This paper describes a simplified methodology designed for quick investment appraisal of improvements to a transport network, and discusses its limitations and advantages particularly in the context of a developing country. ...
Periodic Revisions of the International Choices Criteria: Process and Results
(MDPI, 2020)
Unhealthy diets contribute to an increased risk of non-communicable diseases, which are the leading causes of deaths worldwide. Nutrition policies such as front-of-pack labeling have been developed and implemented globally ...
Compact development and preferences for social mixing in location choices: results from revealed preferences in Santiago, Chile
Even though densification and social mixing are declared objectives of many nowadays urban planning paradigms, their simultaneous implementation is usually questioned by different actors and is not frequent in practice. ...