Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 80
Precipitates segmentation from scanning electron microscope images through machine learning techniques
The presence of precipitates in metallic materials affects its durability, resistance and mechanical properties. Hence, its automatic identification by image processing and machine learning techniques may lead to reliable ...
Metallographic analysis of a TRIP 800 steel using digital image processing
In the second half of the last century, the automobile industries were affected from the petroleum crisis caused mainly by the wars in the Middle East. These crises led the automakers reconsider their vehicles. One of the ...
Computer techniques towards the automatic characterization of graphite particles in metallographic images of industrial materials
The automatic characterization of particles in metallographic images has been paramount, mainly because of the importance of quantifying such microstructures in order to assess the mechanical properties of materials common ...
Computer techniques towards the automatic characterization of graphite particles in metallographic images of industrial materials
The automatic characterization of particles in metallographic images has been paramount, mainly because of the importance of quantifying such microstructures in order to assess the mechanical properties of materials common ...
Precipitates segmentation from scanning electron microscope images through machine learning techniques
The presence of precipitates in metallic materials affects its durability, resistance and mechanical properties. Hence, its automatic identification by image processing and machine learning techniques may lead to reliable ...
Computer techniques towards the automatic characterization of graphite particles in metallographic images of industrial materials
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2013)
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The effects of heat treatment on morphologies and microstructures of Al 2024 and Al 7050 alloys, used as aircraft components, were studied by metallographic techniques. Light microscopy (LM) and quantitative image analysis ...
An image analysis study of pit formation on Ti-6Al-4V
(Elsevier B.V., 2003-01-20)
Metallographic techniques and digital image processing have been used to investigate heat-treated Ti-6Al-4V pitting corrosion, often used as aircraft components. LM and SEM metallography of 'as received', annealed (heating ...