Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 104
Brassinosteroids control meristem size by promoting cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis roots
(Company Of Biologists, 2011)
Brassinosteroids (BRs) play crucial roles in plant growth and development. Previous studies have shown that BRs promote cell elongation in vegetative organs in several plant species, but their contribution to meristem ...
miR156-targeted SPL10 controls Arabidopsis root meristem activity and root-derived de novo shoot regeneration via cytokinin responses
(Oxford Univ Press, 2020-01-23)
Root growth is modulated by different factors, including phytohormones, transcription factors, and microRNAs (miRNAs). MicroRNA156 and its targets, the SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL) genes, define an age-dependent ...
The meristematic activity of the endodermis and the pericycle and its role in the primary thickening of stems in monocotyledonous plants
Background: It had long been thought that a lateral meristem, the so-called primary thickening meristem (PTM) was responsible for stem thickening in monocotyledons. Recent work has shown that primary thickening in the stems ...
GIF transcriptional coregulators control root meristem homeostasis
(American Society of Plant Biologist, 2018-02)
In the root meristem, the quiescent center (QC) is surrounded by stem cells, which in turn generate the different cell types of the root. QC cells rarely divide under normal conditions but can replenish damaged stem cells. ...
Leaf development in some ferns with variable dissection patterns (Dryopteridaceae and Lomariopsidaceae)
(Elsevier B.V., 2020-09-01)
Although ferns are an important group for understanding leaf evolution, their developmental processes are still few understood. To better understand the organization of meristems and ontogeny of leaves in ferns, we studied ...
Morphology, secretion composition, and ecological aspects of stipular colleters in Rubiaceae species from tropical forest and savanna
Colleters are secretory structures that produce and release mucilage or a mucilage-resin mixture protecting meristems and young structures against desiccation, herbivores, and pathogens. The secretions may vary in colleters ...
p53-Independent checkpoint controls in a plant cell model
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2003)
Standardization of bulb and root sample sizes for the Allium cepa test
(SpringerDordrechtHolanda, 2011)