Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 538
Plasma Melatonin and Progesterone Profiles of Suffolk and Romney Marsh Ewes Implanted with Melatonin during Anoestrus Season at Lower Latitudes in Southern Hemisphere
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2016)
Evaluation of melatonin treatment in primary culture of canine mammary tumors
(Spandidos Publ Ltd, 2015-01-01)
Mammary neoplasias are the most common tumors observed in female dogs. Identification of these tumors is valuable in order to identify beneficial therapeutic agents as alternative treatments for this tumor type. Oral ...
Is melatonin deficiency a unifying pathomechanism of high risk patients with COVID-19?
An article by Zhang et al. [1] published in the March issue of Life
Sciences suggested melatonin as a potential adjuvant treatment for
COVID-19. Besides the antioxidative and immunomodulatory actions of
melatonin, there ...
Melatonin-loaded nanocarriers: New horizons for therapeutic applications
The use of nanosized particles has emerged to facilitate selective applications in medicine. Drug-delivery systems represent novel opportunities to provide stricter, focused, and fine-tuned therapy, enhancing the therapeutic ...
Expression of Circadian Clock and Melatonin Receptors within Cultured Rat Cardiomyocytes
Melatonin, the pineal gland hormone, provides entrainment of many circadian rhythms to the ambient light/dark cycle. Recently, cardiovascular studies have demostrated melatonin interactions with many physiological processes ...
Are melatonin doses employed clinically adequate for melatonin-induced cytoprotection?
(ST BIo-Life, 2019)
Abstract: This review article discusses the special role that melatonin, a molecule with chronobiotic/cytoprotective properties, may have in prevention and treatment of the metabolic ...
Effects of Ischemia/Reperfusion on ß Cells of Pancreas and Protective Effects of Melatonin Treatment
(Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2009)
Melatonin as an adjunctive treatment on dental procedures: A systematic review
The systematic review tried to answer the following question: Does the melatonin administered systemically or topically ameliorate patients involved with oral health conditions or dental procedures? The systematic review ...
Evaluation of melatonin effect on human breast cancer stem cells using a threedimensional growth method of mammospheres
Background: The high rates of women's death from breast cancer occur due to acquired resistance by patients to certain treatments, enabling the recurrence and/or tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. It has been demonstrated ...
New developments in the treatment of primary insomnia in elderly patients : focus on prolonged-release melatonin
(Dove Medical Press, 2012)
Abstract: A temporal relationship between the nocturnal rise in melatonin secretion and the increase in sleep propensity at the beginning of the night, coupled with the sleep-promoting effects of exogenous melatonin, ...