Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 86
A comparative between Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and Inverse Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (IMFCC) features for an Automatic Bird Species Recognition System
(IEEE, 2018-09)
In this paper a comparative between Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and Inverse Mel Frequency
Cepstral Coefficients (IMFCC) features for an automatic bird species recognition system is proposed with the aim to ...
Voice recognition based on MFCC, SBC and SpectrogramsReconocimiento de voz basado en MFCC, SBC y Espectrogramas
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2013)
Spectral Restoration Based Speech Enhancement for Robust Speaker Identification
Spectral restoration based speech enhancement algorithms are used to enhance quality of noise masked speech for robust speaker identification. In presence of background noise, the performance of speaker identification ...
Modeling Sub-Band Information Through Discrete Wavelet Transform to Improve Intelligibility Assessment of Dysarthric Speech
The speech signal within a sub-band varies at a fine level depending on the type, and level of dysarthria. The Mel-frequency filterbank used in the computation process of cepstral coefficients smoothed out this fine level ...
Evolutionary cepstral coefficients
(Elsevier Science, 2011-06)
Evolutionary algorithms provide flexibility and robustness required to find satisfactory solutions in complex search spaces. This is why they are successfully applied for solving real engineering problems. In this work we ...
Feature extraction based on the high-pass filtering of audio signals for Acoustic Event Classification
(Academic Press, 2015)
In this paper, we propose a new front-end for Acoustic Event Classification tasks (AEC). First, we study the spectral characteristics of different acoustic events in comparison with the structure of speech spectra. Second, ...
Classification of lexical stress using spectral and prosodic features for computer-assisted language learning systems
(Elsevier Science, 2015-02)
We present a system for detection of lexical stress in English words spoken by English learners. This system was designed to be part of the EduSpeak® computer-assisted language learning (CALL) software. The system uses ...
Audio-Visual Automatic Speech Recognition Using PZM, MFCC and Statistical Analysis
Audio-Visual Automatic Speech Recognition (AV-ASR) has become the most promising research area when the audio signal gets corrupted by noise. The main objective of this paper is to select the important and discriminative ...
Diseño y desarrollo de un sistema prototipo para reconocimiento automático del hablante empleando técnicas de aprendizaje profundo
This project aims to lay the foundations for a system with a potential to develop, used for a higher level of security based on characteristics of the human voice such as fundamental frequency, Mel's Coefficient of ceptral ...