Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 509
Power structure in Chilean news media
(Public Library Science, 2018-06)
Even democracies endowed with the most active free press struggle to maintain diversity of news coverage. Consolidation and market forces may cause only a few dominant players to control the news cycle. Editorial policies ...
Brodcast television in Brazil: concentration of ownership and the lack of communication policies
(Univ Taubate, 2015-12-01)
Created more than 60 years ago, broadcast television now reaches most of brazilian households. Over the decades, however, media broadcasting has been consolidated with the predominance of commercial channels and the ...
Quantifying the ecological diversity and health of online news
Even in developed countries with an active free press, news coverage can be dominated by only a few players. This can lead to a reduction of topical and community diversity. Ownership structures might further limit coverage ...
Power structure in Chilean news media
Even democracies endowed with the most active free press struggle to maintain diversity of news coverage. Consolidation and market forces may cause only a few dominant players to control the news cycle. Editorial policies ...
Citizenship and ownership of the media - radioCiudadanía y propiedad de los medios de comunicación – la radio
(Sello Editorial Unicomfacauca, 2010)
Social validation influences individuals’ judgments about ownership
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2018-01)
In all domains, from informal to formal, there are conflicts about property and ownership which resolution demands consideration of alleged claims from more than one party. In this work we asked adults (N = 359) to judge ...