Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11296
Surface circulation types and daily maximum and minimum temperatures in southern La Plata Basin
(Amer Meteorological Soc, 2013-06)
La Plata Basin is one of the most important agriculture and hydropower producing regions worldwide. Extreme climate events such as cold and heat waves and frost events have a significant socio-economic impact. This work ...
Proportion of oleic acid in olive oil as influenced by the dimensions of the daily temperature oscillation
(Elsevier Science, 2018-01)
Olive fruit dry weight, oil concentration and the proportions of individual fatty acids in the oil are influenced by environmental variables, such as ambient temperatures, between flowering and harvest. An increase in mean ...
Association between maximum temperature and PM(2.5) with pregnancy outcomes in Lima, Peru.
(Wolters Kluwer Health, 2021)
BACKGROUND: We have previously documented an inverse relationship between PM(2.5) in Lima, Peru, and reproductive outcomes. Here, we investigate the effect of temperature on birth weight, birth weight-Z-score adjusted for ...
Análisis del cambio climático en un ecosistema alto andino, Riobamba-Ecuador.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2019-10-18)
The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the existence of climate change in a high Andean ecosystem of Ecuador, through the study of the linear trend of the maximum, minimum, averageand precipitation temperature of ...
Tendência da temperatura e precipitação na Península Antártica
(Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, 2019)
Thermal Acclimation to the Highest Natural Ambient Temperature Compromises Physiological Performance in Tadpoles of a Stream-Breeding Savanna Tree Frog
Amphibians may be more vulnerable to climate-driven habitat modification because of their complex life cycle dependence on land and water. Considering the current rate of global warming, it is critical to identify the ...
Water temperature affects aggressive interactions in a Neotropical cichlid fish
Changes in water temperature may affect the aggressive behavior of aquatic organisms, such as fish, either by changing some physiological mechanisms or by increasing the probability of encounters between individuals as a ...
Modelos decomposição temporal e de regressão harmônica: Uma comparação para a série mensal da temperatura mínima e máxima média de Presidente Prudente (SP)
In this work two regression models, constructed to estimate the monthly minimum and maximum average temperature (Tmin and Tmax) series at Presidente Prudente (SP) city are presented. The temporal decomposition model with ...