Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 107
Assessment of distributed generation hosting capacity of microgrids with thermal smart loads
This paper seeks to explore the problem of assessing the renewable distributed generation (DG) hosting capacity of microgrids when thermal smart loads composed of electric water heaters (EWH) interfaced with electric springs ...
Assessment of Distributed Generation Hosting Capacity of Microgrids with Thermal Smart Loads
(Ieee, 2020-01-01)
This paper seeks to explore the problem of assessing the renewable distributed generation (DG) hosting capacity of microgrids when thermal smart loads composed of electric water heaters (EWH) interfaced with electric springs ...
Assessment of Distributed Generation Hosting Capacity in Electric Distribution Systems by Increasing the Electric Vehicle Penetration
The distribution system operator (DSO) is responsible for ensuring, in a safe and reliable way, the connections of distributed generation (DG) projects in the electric distribution system (EDS). In this regard, the hosting ...
A Robust Multiobjective Strategy for Short-Term Distribution System Upgrading to Increase the Distributed Generation Hosting Capacity
This work proposes a strategy that estimates the maximum distributed generation (DG) capacity that can be connected to the electric distribution system (EDS), when EDS upgrading actions are implemented. The problem is ...
Simultaneous distributed generation and electric vehicles hosting capacity assessment in electric distribution systems
This work presents a strategy, from the perspective of the distribution system operator (DSO), that aims at simultaneously estimating the maximum penetration levels of renewable-based distributed generation (DG) and electric ...
Increasing distributed generation hosting capacity in distribution systems via optimal coordination of electric vehicle aggregators
This work presents a novel strategy, designed from the distribution system operator viewpoint, aimed at estimating the hosting capacity in electric distribution systems when controllable plug-in electric vehicles are in ...
Aplicación del concepto de Capacidad de Atención (Hosting Capacity) a la valoración del efecto de inclusión de fuentes renovables en la confiabilidad de sistemas de distribución
La inclusión de generación distribuida (GD) en los sistemas de distribución, trae consigo cambios en el funcionamiento del mismo. Poder establecer la cantidad de GD con la cual se garantiza el funcionamiento adecuado del ...
Estudos de conexão à rede elétrica - desafios de qualidade de energia na implantação de geração distribuída na rede de distribuição de baixa tensão
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilENG - DEPARTAMENTO DE ENGENHARIA ELÉTRICACurso de Especialização em Fontes Renováveis: Geração, Operação e IntegraçãoUFMG, 2019-11-27)
The main motivation of this work is to meet the current and future demand of the electric power systems and utilities market regarding the promotion of studies related to the impact of the power quality on the low voltage ...
Network hosting capacity for renewables: an economic approach through bilevel optimization
(Universidad de Chile, 2019)
In the context of the very large amounts of renewable generation that governments around the world are encouraging to be integrated to power systems, we introduced, for the first time, a new concept named Market Hosting ...