Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 187
Desarrollo experimental de blends de polipropileno con fibras naturales lignocelulósicas
The study makes a literature review, and experimental development of polymer matrix composites reinforced with natural fibers such as bamboo, sisal and sawdust that allow mixing parameters and evaluate the performance of ...
Estudio de la degradabilidad del PET (polietilen tereftalato) dosificado con un biopolímero de la fibra de banano
This document is an experimental analysis of the elaboration of biopolymers with cellulose from the rachis of banana and the modification of PET (polyethylene terephthalate), with the purpose to study their degradability.
Validación del sistema de inyección de un biomaterial compuesto PP-GAK mediante modelamiento CAD-CAE
An analysis was carry out by characterizing the rheological properties of a new natural polymer composite by rheological characterization, injection simulations and analytical validation of the results. Other compositions ...
Estudio de la degradabilidad del PCL (Policaprolactona) dosificado con la Lignina extraída de la fibra de banano
This document is an experimental analysis of time in which both will the biopolymers and PCL (Polycaprolactone) with lignin to degrade, determining thus which is better for the environmental field.
Evaluación reológica de la degradación térmica de un compuesto polipropileno-GAK reciclado
In the present work of investigation a study of the thermal degradation is made by means of rheological characterization of a biocomposite of Polypropylene reinforced with natural fibers of cane guadua when being reprocessed ...
Amonificación, usando úrea, para mejorar el valor nutritivo de materiales fibrosos.
(Instituto Colombiano AgropecuarioBogotá (Colombia), 1990)
La amonificación de materiales fibrosos (paja de arroz, maíz, rastrojo de sorgo, heno de pasto bermuda, pasto elefante, floración tardia, paja de soya, pasto guinea 140 días) utilizando úrea como fuente de amoniaco, permite ...
Simulación del estado de orientación de fibras cortas de guadua en un biomaterial compuesto: PP-GAK moldeado por inyección mediante sistemas CAD-CAE
The paper focused on the comparison of experimental and simulated results of a biomaterial, with reinforcements from the coastal region of Ecuador. Dimensional defects and state of fiber orientation is analyzed on the ...