Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1390
Drivers and outcomes of private-public partnerships in mass transit systems: an exploratory analysis of selected cases
(ANPET - Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes, 2006)
The present study aims to analyze the policies of the insertion of private capital into mass transit systems, As it is argued in the introduction, the different relative weights of political factors and of economic reasons ...
Millimagnitude photometry for transiting extrasolar planetary candidates V. Follow-up of 30 OGLE transits. New candidates
Aims. We used VLT/VIMOS images in the V band to obtain light curves of the extrasolar planetary transits OGLE-TR-111 and OGLE-TR-113 and the candidate planetary transits: OGLE-TR-82, OGLE-TR-86, OGLE-TR-91, OGLE-TR-106, ...
NGTS-11 b (TOI-1847 b): A Transiting Warm Saturn Recovered from a TESS Single-transit Event.
We report the discovery of NGTS-11 b (=TOI-1847b), a transiting Saturn in a 35.46 day orbit around a mid K-type star (Teff = 5050 ± 80 K). We initially identified the system from a single-transit event in a TESS full-frame ...
Aproximación al desarrollo de un sistema de transporte masivo a través de la dinámica de sistemas
(Universidad IcesiFacultad de Ingeniería, 2013-01-01)
The social and economic future of a city depends
primarily on the efficiency of its transport system; this
is measured by the ability to move people and goods
in a sustainable manner, with the available resources.
Nowadays, ...
TOI-222: A single-transit TESS candidate revealed to be a 34-d eclipsing binary with CORALIE, EulerCam, and NGTS.
We report the period, eccentricity, and mass determination for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) single-transit event candidate TOI-222, which displayed a single 3000 ppm transit in the TESS 2-min cadence ...
The economics of Transmilenio a mass transit system for Bogotá
(Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE, 2004)
By the end of the 1990s, inefficiency, excess supply and low service quality characterized the mass transit system of Bogotá. The average travel time to work was one hour and ten minutes, obsolete buses provided public ...
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates XVIII. Radial velocity confirmation, absolute masses and radii, and origin of the Kepler-419 multiplanetary system
(EDP Sciences, 2018-07)
Kepler-419 is a planetary system discovered by the Kepler photometry which is known to harbour two massive giant planets: an inner 3 M J transiting planet with a 69.8-day period, highly eccentric orbit, and an outer 7.5 M ...
AC Biosusceptometry as a Tool for Monitoring the Gastrointestinal Transit of Multiparticulate Drug Delivery System
(Springer, 2010-01-01)
Drug delivery systems based on natural polysaccharides, such as chitosan (CS) and pectin (PC), rather than on synthetic polymers, have been widely studied. Some reasons for that are low toxicity and costs and high ...