Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 263
Submillimeter H2O masers in water-fountain nebulae
(EDP Sciences, 2014)
We report the first detection of submillimeter water maser emission toward water-fountain nebulae, which are post-AGB stars that exhibit high-velocity water masers. Using APEX we found emission in the ortho-H2O (1029 → 936) ...
The Orion-KL super water maser
The most powerful water maser feature ever seen in Orion was monitored for seven years. The maser reached a peak flux density of about 6.7 x 10 to the 6th Jy. The total radiated energy between August 1979 and June 1987 was ...
Magnetically driven maser effect in the resonant dynamics of V-15 molecular nanomagnets
(Soc Brasileira FisicaSao PauloBrasil, 2007)
Star-forming protoclusters associated with methanol masers
We present a multiwavelength study of five methanol maser sites which are not directly associated with a strong
(>100 mJy) radio continuum source: G31.28+0.06, G59.78+0.06, G173.49+2.42 (S231, S233IR), G188.95+0.89 ...
Submillimeter H 2 O masers in water-fountain nebulae
We report the first detection of submillimeter water maser emission toward water-fountain nebulae, which are post-AGB stars that exhibit high-velocity water masers. Using APEX we found emission in the ortho-H2O (10 29 → ...
Submillimeter H 2 O masers in water-fountain nebulae
We report the first detection of submillimeter water maser emission toward water-fountain nebulae, which are post-AGB stars that exhibit high-velocity water masers. Using APEX we found emission in the ortho-H2O (10 29 ? ...
Submillimeter H 2 O masers in water-fountain nebulae
Using the open photoacoustic cell technique, we obtained the spectra of the photoacoustic signal amplitude as a function of the modulation frequency of the incident radiation. From these spectra we determined the thermal ...
Maser emission toward the very young massive star GH₂O 092.67+03.07 (IRAS 21078+5211)
(Astronomy reports, 2008)