Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3906
Analysis of human resources management in family health, community and intercultural models in Andean countriesAnálisis de la gestión de recursos humanos en los modelos de salud familiar, comunitaria e intercultural de los países andinos
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Humana, 2015)
The WPA-Lancet Psychiatry Commission on the Future of Psychiatry
(Elsevier, 2017)
Background. This Commission addresses several priority areas for psychiatry over the next decade, and into the 21st century. These represent challenges and opportunities for the profession to sustain and develop itself to ...
Formative evaluation of a proposed mHealth program for childhood illness management in a resource-limited setting in Peru
(Pan American Health Organization, 2015)
Objective. To conduct a formative evaluation of a proposed mobile health (mHealth) program designed to educate caregivers about management of common childhood illnesses. Methods. A cluster-randomized sample (n = 220) of ...
Evaluation of the performance of pharmacists in terms of providing health assistance at a university hospital
(Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Hospital das Clínicas, 2007-10-01)
OBJETIVE: This study aimed to assess the practices of pharmacists in Hospital Care. Method - we interviewed 20 pharmacists from the Pharmacy Division by applying a structured instrument, in September 2005. This instrument ...
Evaluation of the performance of pharmacists in terms of providing health assistance at a university hospital
(Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Hospital das Clínicas, 2007-10-01)
OBJETIVE: This study aimed to assess the practices of pharmacists in Hospital Care. Method - we interviewed 20 pharmacists from the Pharmacy Division by applying a structured instrument, in September 2005. This instrument ...
Towards a comprehensive global approach to prevention and control of NCDs
(BioMed Central, 2014)
Background: The “25×25” strategy to tackle the global challenge of non-communicable diseases takes a traditional approach, concentrating on a few diseases and their immediate risk factors. Discussion: We propose elements ...
Proceso de gestión del talento humano en de una IPS privada de Barranquilla, 2022
(Ediciones Universidad Simón BolívarFacultad de Administración y Negocios, 2023)
A pesar de las reformas introducidas al sector salud, las cuales se han direccionado a proponer un cambio en el modelo de prestación del servicio, buscando asegurar el recurso humano necesario para una óptima prestación ...