Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18838
Outcomes-based contracts and the hidden turn to public value management
Despite long-standing criticisms of the paradigm, New Public Management (NPM) retains a strong influence over organizationsin public administration. Social Impact Bonds (SIB) are anoutcomes-orientedinvestment entity which ...
Perceiving Patagonia - An assessment of social values and perspectives regarding watershed ecosystem services and management in southern South America
(Springer, 2014-04)
Research on human dimensions of ecosystems through the ecosystem services (ES) concept has proliferated over recent decades but has largely focused on monetary value of ecosystems while excluding other community-based ...
Sustainability of a Community-Based Enterprise through shared value. Case: Mallay Communal Company
(Universidad Católica Sedes SapientiaePE, 2018-01-11)
The relationship of a community-based enterprise (CBE) and a mining company was reviewed from the perspective of shared value creation. Specifically, through the study of the Mallay CBE and its interaction with the ...
Investigating the effect of managers' shift work and performance prediction on market value of shareholders' equity in Tehran Stock Exchange
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022)
Parametric VaR with goodness-of-fit tests based on EDF statistics for extreme returns
Parametric VaR (Value-at-Risk) is widely used due to its simplicity and easy calculation. However, the normality assumption, often used in the estimation of the parametric VaR, does not provide satisfactory estimates for ...
Parametric VaR with goodness-of-fit tests based on EDF statistics for extreme returns
Parametric VaR (Value-at-Risk) is widely used due to its simplicity and easy calculation. However, the normality assumption, often used in the estimation of the parametric VaR, does not provide satisfactory estimates for ...
Valor adicionado e valor de mercado: uma análise teóricaAdded value and market value: a theoretical analysis
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilAdministração, 2021)
Knowledge-based risk management model: application in hydropower station projects
(Assoc Brasileira Engenharia Producao-abepro, 2020-01-01)
Goal: This paper adapted the Knowledge Risk Management model to a Brazilian project-based organization (Alpha Company), which projects and produces hydropower stations. Design / Methodology / Approach: The Alpha Company ...
(ConTexto, 2009)