Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1673
Competitive males have higher quality sperm in a monogamous social bee
(BioMed Central, 2016)
Reproductive success is determined by the interplay between mating and fertilization success. In social insect species with male-biased sex ratios and ...
Burrow ornamentation in the fiddler crab (Uca leptodactyla): female mate choice and male–male competition
Non-biological ornamentation is found in the nests and burrows of different kinds of animals. We evaluated here whether sand hoods constructed by male fiddler crabs (Uca leptodactyla) are one of the signals used by males ...
The effects of genetic manipulation, dieldrin treatment and irradiation on the mating competitiveness of male Anopheles arabiensis in field cages
To enable the release of only sterile male Anopheles arabiensis mosquitoes for the sterile insect technique, the genetic background of a wild-type strain was modified to create ...
Male mating success is related to body condition and stress-induced leukocyte response in an anuran with scramble competition
(National Research Council Canada-NRC Research Press, 2020-06)
Competition among males can be a decisive factor for successful mating in anuranexplosive breeders with a male-biased population sex ratio. The Yungas Red-belly toad Melanophryniscus rubriventris (Vellard, 1947) is an ...
Current sperm competition determines sperm allocation in a Tephritid Fruit Fly
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2015-05)
Sperm competition (SC) occurs when the sperm of two or more males compete for the same set of ova. Theoretical models and experimental observations indicate that the presence of rival males causes focal males to adjust ...
Notes on the breeding behaviour of the Neotropical toadlet Dendrophryniscus brevipollicatus (Anura: Bufonidae), a bromeliad phytotelmata specialist
Anurans are considered to have the greatest diversity of reproductive modes among the major groups of terrestrial vertebrates. In the Bufonidae, oviposition can occur in pools and give rise to exotrophic tadpoles (e.g., ...
The effect of size and cheliped autotomy on sexual competition between males of the mud crab Cyrtograpsus angulatus Dana
(Springer, 2009-02)
Size advantage in male–male competition over mates, combined with male preference over large females, is a common feature that can drive to size assortative mating and, eventually, sexual se lection. In crabs, appendage ...
Variable assessment of wing colouration in aerial contests of the red-winged damselfly Mnesarete pudica (Zygoptera, Calopterygidae)
Wing pigmentation is a trait that predicts the outcome of male contests in some damselflies. Thus, it is reasonable to suppose that males would have the ability to assess wing pigmentation and adjust investment in a fight ...
Alternative mating tactics in dimorphic males of the harvestman Longiperna concolor (Arachnida: Opiliones)
(SPRINGER, 2011)
Intense male-male competition for females may drive the evolution of male morphological dimorphism, which is frequently associated with alternative mating tactics. Using modern techniques for the detection of discontinuous ...
Male-male competition and repeated evolution of terrestrial breeding in Atlantic Coastal Forest frogs*
Terrestrial breeding is a derived condition in frogs, with multiple transitions from an aquatic ancestor. Shifts in reproductive mode often involve changes in habitat use, and these are typically associated with diversification ...